Available on Amazon!
6" X 9" Paperback​
173 pages
Order extra copies to share with others you know who are involved or impacted by a narcissist.​
Book 2 in Series: "House of Horrors: Solutions When Difficult People Invade Your Life"

The Narcissist: When Dreams Become Nightmares
Clifton Fuller's second book about the Narcissistic Personality is written for all adult audiences and includes more detailed, clinical information about NPDs, examples of behaviors, warnings, and solutions. Worldwide, we are seeing increased narcissistic behaviors, some consider these "normal" or believe the NPD is showing unflinching confidence, but they couldn't be further from the truth. Narcissism is not normal behavior; it is a personality disorder that will harm others repeatedly.
Not all narcissists are created equally, and this book helps readers understand the different types of narcissists, from the closet narcissists to the dangerous, malignant narcissists. Discover how they think, their behavior patterns, why they compulsively deceive and lie, and how their personality is formed.
​​This book addresses effective communication and behaviors to hold a narcissist accountable. If left unchecked, a narcissist can become increasingly manipulative, dangerous, and destructive.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Chapters include: 1/I Think I'm Going Crazy, 2/What is Narcissism?, 3/The Origin of Vanity, 4/Types of Nightmares, 5/Spotting a Narcissist, 6/Trickery and Deceit, 7/Manipulation At It's Finest, 8/Married to a Vampire, 9/How to Protect Yourself, 10/Stand and Fight, 11/I Am a Narcissist, 12/Taking Care of You
A must-read if you are dealing with a narcissist at home, work, church, with your clients, in your community... or if you want to know more about this personality disorder.​​​​​​​​​​​​​