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Our Blog Articles!
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Trauma Survivalists
We are all impacted by trauma at times in our lives. Addressing it is much more complex and involved than facing complex daily challenges.
Addressing Grief During Holidays
Feeling loss means we cared deeply. Recovering from loss takes time, and getting support may be the first step to address the pain of loss.
Building a Stronger Family!
Studies of families provide clues into ways to build stronger families, the steps to take, behaviors or habits to form & why it matters.
"Fall Back" for Daylight Saving Time!
It's important to know how daylight savings time (both spring & fall) impacts sleep, body, and mental health. How to cope with the changes.
Thrillseekers. "Safe" vs "Unsafe" fears.
Why do we like to be scared sometimes? What's 'safe fear'? When does fear motivate us to move forward or harmful mentally or physically?
EMDR Video
This 3-minute video shares information on EMDR, the issues it addresses in coaching and counseling, when used by Certified EMDR clinicians.
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing)
Healing doesn't mean trauma didn't occur or we aren't feeling strong emotions. EMDR helps prevent feelings or emotions from controlling us.
Agoraphobia: Trapped by Fear
Agoraphobia is a mental health issue; a person feels unsafe in usual environments and won't leave places they consider safe, usually a home
Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is a serious problem worldwide, impacting all ages. Unrestrained anger erupts into violence, abuse, and harm to others.
Stimming: Restlessness With Purpose
“Stimming” is a term that indicates self-stimulatory or self-soothing behavior, but unacceptable if destructive or harmful to self or others
Catfishing? Meet the Conman.
Conmen and women are the liars that impact everyone's lives, feel no remorse for harming others, think they are smart, yet can be identified
Exercise: What's Your Movement Mindset?
Exercise changes brain, physical and mental health. It is important at all ages (child to elderly), done by anyone, adjusted to your needs.
Setting Boundaries-Part 1
Setting boundaries helps us identify what ours are, as well as communicating that to others. Boundaries without enforcement are of no value.
Books Inspire!
Books inspire! Choose the books you read wisely, as some books inspire us to be better humans while others inspire anger and dissention.
Couples Communication
Effective communication is the key a couple can use to build a successful relationship. Communication isn't simply words; it's much more!
Addressing Adversity & Obstacles: Perseverance vs. Resistance
We can learn to overcome obstacles and adversity in life & work. Two valuable tools are "Perseverance," and"Resistance". How do they differ?
Worry: Hidden thief of life
Worry makes us feel we're doing something, but maybe not what we think. We may feel anxiety, depression, get ulcers. Address worry better.
Anything you can do with anger, you can do more effectively without anger! We all have a built-in signal system to identify anger. Use it!
Counselor and Coach: What is the Difference?
There is a difference between Counseling (mental health issues) and Coaching. Do you know what that difference is...and what to choose?
Eating Disorders: Through Thick and Thin
Eating Disorders impact about 9% of U.S. population, regardless of their size, gender, age, race, religion, ethnicity or body shape.
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